Losing the invertebrates

My fellow bloggers the Deep Green Resistance Service say that the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) reported a threat of extinction to one in five invertebrate species. Yes, one in five.

About argylesock

I wrote a PhD about veterinary parasitology so that's the starting point for this blog. But I'm now branching out into other areas of biology and into popular science writing. I'll write here about science that happens in landscapes, particularly farmland, and about science involving interspecific interactions. Datasets and statistics get my attention. Exactly where this blog will lead? That's a journey that I'm on and I hope you'll come with me.
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3 Responses to Losing the invertebrates

  1. pcawdron says:

    Argylesock, the link is broken. I think it’s missing a colon and should be http://dgrnewsservice.org/2012/09/01/report-finds-one-fifth-of-all-invertebrate-species-at-risk-of-extinction/

    Always sad to hear about any loss of biodiversity

    • argylesock says:

      Thanks! Is the link working now?

      Yes I’m disturbed by the inverts story. Not sure what ordinary people like us can do about it except to pass on the info. I’m doing some work on a conservation project at my University, so hopefully that’s a contribution.

  2. It is very worrying about the invertebrates. I pop to the UN Red List once in a while, but hadnt really thought about the % that were threatened.

    Worryingly, a lot of our amphibians are also under threat, many due to a disease: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chytridiomycosis But climate change and habitat loss are also playing a part, estimates are sketchy, but range between 1/3 and 1/2 of species threatened overall.

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