Monsanto Protection Act put GM companies above the federal courts

A clause known as the Monsanto Protection Act slipped into US law only a few days ago. It matters to the whole world but it’s been little noticed. Not yet. It will be noticed, as John Vidal at the Guardian wrote yesterday. Mr Vidal points out that the Monsanto Protection Act put GM companies above the federal courts.

I’m grateful to GM Watch for drawing attention to this.

About argylesock

I wrote a PhD about veterinary parasitology so that's the starting point for this blog. But I'm now branching out into other areas of biology and into popular science writing. I'll write here about science that happens in landscapes, particularly farmland, and about science involving interspecific interactions. Datasets and statistics get my attention. Exactly where this blog will lead? That's a journey that I'm on and I hope you'll come with me.
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6 Responses to Monsanto Protection Act put GM companies above the federal courts

  1. Pingback: Monsanto kills monarch butterflies | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. george-b says:

    Reblogged this on euzicasa and commented:
    Above God’s Law too!

    • argylesock says:

      Thanks for the reblog. What do you mean about God’s Law?

      • george-b says:

        I mean that in the constitution what ever limitation not imposed by ruler are by facto one’s rights, and that when oyu lut a corporation, above humanlaw, you make it responsible to no one, which in fact is the truth: I do not agree, never did with the manipulation of genes (that’s monsanto vs G-d thing), because humans cannot understand the result of their toyings with our biological, and ecological make: that nature’s job!

  3. argylesock says:

    You’ve just talked me into following your blog. I did that for a while before, then unfollowed for some reason which I’ve forgotten!

  4. george-b says:

    argylesock (nice name): thanks for following euzicasa (“it’s what I think” or “It’s my take on things”)
    I like your website, and hope to become an inspiration to and for one another!


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